Time for Spring Planting

This weekend, we finally passed the "last frost" date for our area. So, we can offfically start planting! Stay tuned for our gardening adventures this year. *Fingers crossed* We will have a successful garden season.

A friend of ours is doing some outside hardscaping and had to split some of her periennals to make room for their new patio. When asked if we could like some pollinator friendly periennals, of course our response was YES.

So, this weekend we started a new pollinator flower bed. This area along the house is impossible to reach with the lawn mower, so what better use then to plant for the pollinators!

Our new pollinator flowerbed includes: Joe Pye Weed, Purple Coneflower, Rue, Black Eye Susan. There is still room to add a few more pollinator plants to this flower bed. Plus, we will make this flowerbed wider over time to allow us to add even more pollinator loving plants. But, we wanted to keep it small and managable until some of the plants get more established. Check out our before and after pictures.

To create this flowerbed, we just removed the sod and edged the new bed. Hopefully we can get this area mulched and as we have new plants continue to add plant diversity to this flower bed. As the plants grow and we add new plants, we can continue to increase the width of the flower bed. Interested in seeing this project grow? To follow the process, visit "Our Hive" on griesemerbee.com for updates as we continue to manage for pollinator friendly landscape on our farm. We just passed the two year mark of owning our farm! The past two years have flown by! Our to do list to create a pollinator friendly site seems to be endless!

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