Happy National Pollinator Week!

This week is National Pollinator Week! Fifteen years ago, U.S. Senate approved National Pollinator Week to bring greater awareness to the declining pollinator population. Our pollinator populations are still struggling, but there is more research and education over the past fifteen years to help our pollinator friends.
This week is designated for all the pollinators, not just honeybees. So, remember the butterflies, moths, bats, birds, beetles and bees this week. How will you celebrate?
Here at Griesemer Beekeeping, it’s a busy time. We are managing the hives that are busy with the summer nectar flow, managing the garden and managing our pollinator friendly habitat. So, we have not been able to celebrate National Pollinator week the way we hoped. But, we do plan to do a Facebook live pollinator walk this weekend! Join us as we walk our farm to highlight pollinator habitat, pollinator friendly plants and our hives.
We shared a pollinator friendly cookbook on Facebook too. Our pollinators do so much work and in return we harvest so many fruits and vegetables that would not be possible without their hard work. Enjoy some amazing fruit and vegetable summer dishes and bee sure to thank the pollinators that help make it possible.
You can help pollinators by creating habitat for them around your home. They need food, water and shelter just like us!
Share how you celebrated National Pollinator week with us by using #griesemerbeekeepingllc and #nationalpolliantorweek2022.